
Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Nothing hurts me more than you’re admiring or worship another woman, even though its just a celebrity crush. Yeah, I’m no beauty like them, I’m no hot like them, and I’m no graceful like them. Name all the boys’ traits, I got ‘em all. And I always feel and think that I would never suit a man. EVER, see how low-self-esteem I am? I know right.

Agh, don’t flatter me by saying, you’re beautiful enough, you’re okay looking like this, you just look perfect like this bla bla bla . . . I don’t wanna hear any of that. In fact, by saying or going with the flow with what I’m feeling might be a better options, cause we often laugh at it and suddenly it hit us that says, “Hey girl, you are worth enough for yourselves and important people in your life”. Those flattering flatter words don’t work with me. LOL. Better make me laugh as I love laughing.